Malcolm Gladwell, Spaghetti Sauce and #MGBComm.
It’s worth watching the whole interesting discussion about what we learn from our “tastes” in food. Here are some of my takeaways as I think about Middle Governing Bodies and the structure of the PCUSA (which is really a LOT of what I think about these days. "To a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish.")
Some food for thought:
1) “People Don’t Know What they Want.” We can’t always explain what we want and we often say we want something different than we actually want. 27% of people actually like weak coffee but they always report that they want “rich, dark coffee”.
2) MGBs, like mustards, don’t exist on a hierarchy. One is not better than another, but they exist across a spectrum of differences that need to be attended to. (Whew. It’s a good thing that we are looking for models, not a model.)
3) “Universals” don’t apply in things of human taste. Variability is the reality about structures, tastes and most of us “cluster” in our diversity. “Embracing diversity of human beings is the key to happiness.”
From spaghetti sauce to church structures... what can we learn here?
(with thanks to Kevin Ford of TAG Consulting for sending this to me.)
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