This excerpt from the NT Wright's book, The Lord and His Prayer, (originally printed in CT) is fitting food for thought for our studies as we begin to turn towards the Lord's Prayer passage in the Sermon on the Mount. (Pastors who are already thinking and praying about upcoming Christmas services might find the whole article helpful, too.)
If Jesus is the true King of all the world, whose kingdom redefines power and glory so that they are now seen in the manger, on the cross, and in the garden, then to pray "Thy kingdom come" from the Lord's Prayer is to ask that this kingdom, this power, and this glory may be seen in all the world. It is not enough, though it is the essential starting point, that we submit in our own lives to God's alternative kingdom-vision; we must pray and work for the vision to come in reality, with the rulers of this world being confronted with the claims of their rightful King. (N.T. Wright)
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