This is the first time I have ever posted IN THE MIDDLE of something...(It feels kind of rude to be writing as someone is talking, but I like to think of this as "taking notes publicly" for my friends who can't be here. So here goes..).
This morning, Mark Roberts led us in a devotional on Colossians 3:12-17 and doing everything including blogging for the glory of God. That was followed immeditaley by the Biola University Dean of Humanities gave us a great quote from Dostoevsky:All ways are his ways.”
In the first plenary discussion, we have already heard some good "food for thought". What is clear to me so far is that we bloggers see blogging as part of our vocations: (as Frederick Buechner would define it: The intersection of what I most need to do and what the world most needs to have done.)
At the moment, there is a lot of discussion about blogging and community... Of course, I am very interested in this one...
More later...
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