Christianity Today online posted an interview with Dallas Willard and Richard Foster on the differences between "Spiritual Formation" and "Discipleship." It is called "The Making of a Christian." It should be required reading for everyone serious about being and making followers of Christ for the Kingdom of heaven.
I know it will be required reading for my staff.
Here is just one snippet from Dallas Willard:
"Discipleship as a term has lost its content, and this is one reason why it has been moved aside. I've tried to redeem the idea of discipleship, and I think it can be done; you have to get it out of the contemporary mode.
There are really three gospels that are heard in our society. One is forgiveness of sins. Another is being faithful to your church: If you take care of your church, it will take care of you. Sometimes it's called discipleship, but it's really churchmanship. And another gospel is the social one—Jesus is in favor of liberation, and we should be devoted to that. All of those contain important elements of truth. You can't dismiss any of them. But to make them central and say that's what discipleship is just robs discipleship of its connection with transformation of character."
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