One of the sportswriters I read uses this little phrase whenever he is going to cover a variety of topics in one column. This is my chance to catch up with links from friends who wrote some good stuff while I was focused on Africa.
Enjoy. Be enlightened. Be enraged, if need be.
Mark Daniels wrote on ultimate truth. Will he now be considered the Cardinal Ratzinger of the blog world? Speaking of the new Pope Benedict XVI, Mark D. Roberts takes on fellow a Harvardian and the LA Times when they accuse the new Pope of believing—gasp—that Christianity is the truth.
A View From the Pew discusses the way that a “more inclusive Catholicism” has led to a less Christian Europe. Steve Norris swears he’s not turning Catholic but is getting more concerned about some things evangelical.
Jeff McCrory uses his OT Ph.D. to help us pray with David…
Bill Rice gives a bio about the new Joint Chief of Staff Marine Corps General Peter Pace. (The first Marine to have the post. Congratulations to all Marines. Which gives me a moment to personally congratulate my Marine Major Training Partner who is heading to the Pentagon for the next tour of duty en route to a promotion. Hurry back, we have some hills to climb.)
Rob Asghar shared his syndicated column about the way rudeness is now so trendy that it might even be cool to be caring…kinda.
Richard Radcliffe offers a book review of the auto-bio of Ultra-Marathon Man, Dean Karnazes. In my little world of being a Clysdale Tri-guy, this dude is something.
The Witts at Wittingshire tell of meeting some unusual honeymooners at their church.
And Craig Williams writes about, C.S. Lewis, understanding evil and unconscious racism. Which is where I want to pick up with some church musings soon.
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