Something old, something(s) new...
An old friend is in the middle of a truly, truly fine series on biblical interpretation and the TNIV, while another old friend who ghost wrote and edited for some of the best leadership minds in the world is blogging on leadership.
Some "new" (to me, at least) blogs to consider reading this weekend (I will add them to my links next week):
A lawyer (with wit and a biblical worldview--don't mean to sound suprised about either, but...) who is quickly becoming for me regular reading; a friend from my church who's blog is good primer for political junkies; a discussion group on NT Wright's book Reflecting The Glory (which I bought for myself after reading some of the posts...thank you)
For the outdoorsy sorts, an interesting article in Outside Magazine on the economic benefits of environmentalism (made me think that maybe what our country most needs in politics today would be more Republican environmentalists and Democrat pro-lifers. But then again, my political reflections, in the words of Hugh Hewitt, are strictly "amateur hour.") And this post by Joshua Clayborn is a good discussion about a growing interest by evangelicals in the environment.
Thanks also to Hugh for listing me on his God squad links.
Enjoy. I'll be back on Monday to post on the spiritual discpline of eating. (And I really do mean eating food, not some metaphor.)
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