Mark D. Roberts has also launched a series in response to the Time and Newsweek articles that is certainly worth reading. When I listed respected scholars who affirm the Virgin Birth, I limited my comments to those who have written commentaries on Matthew. Mark has not, but in this series, you will see that he is on par with any scholar when it comes to NT issues. (He has a Ph.D. from Harvard in the subject.) While I will continue to offer more theological rebuttals (my area), make sure you read Mark's biblical response (for those of you who like technical nuances.)
By the way, for those of you who would like a biblical response to the blarney offered as history in the Da Vinci Code, Mark offers some excellent material here also. (The Da Vinci Code is to church history what the movie National Treasure is to American history: a good yarn filled with wild flights of fantasy.)
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