Since Friday is my writing day, let me encourage you to explore some great writing out there while I work on my sermon for Sunday. (Of course, if I come across something that will work on the blog and not in the pulpit, I reserve the right to post-late.)
Rob Asghar is in the middle of a insightful series on the vanity of disrespect hyper-sensitivity. In another post, he offers up a brilliant post from GK Chesterton (what would you expect from Gilbert?) that should be good grist for the mill for conservatives.
Mark Daniels has a fine series on "Why I believe the Christian faith is True" that is worth reading from top to bottom. I am now linking to Mark's site everyday.
Jeff McCrory offers up a great post on on God's people that reminds us of the difference between Biblical Israel and contemporary Israel that most Christians (including our esteemed President) seem to confuse. As well as a fine piece on the biblical understanding of angels (not the Anaheim ones, alas.)
Mark Roberts series on Biblical Worldview is worth revisiting regularly.
And without even looking, I guarantee that the Witts writing is weally, weally, wise and worth a look.
Late addition, found happily while looking for some stuff on NT Wright: A thoughtful Episcopalian who reads many of the same books that I like. Check out Rick Lord's blog here.
Happy reading and use this one to prime the pump:
"There is no shortage of good days. It is good lives that are hard to come by. … Who would call a day spent reading a good day? But a life spent reading - that is a good life. A day that closely resembles every other day of the past ten or twenty years does not suggest itself as a good one. But who would not call Pasteur's life a good one, or Thomas Mann's?"
Annie Dillard, The Writing Life.
Oh yeah, and if you go to SCPC...see you in church Sunday.
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